

Mood Disorders are Treatable

The majority of people with a mood disorder are able to find treatment options that help them improve their lives when working in collaboration with treatment professionals such as a doctor and or a therapist. A combination of talk therapy, medication and a healthy support system (professionals, family and friends) usually produce the best outcomes. Treatment is successful when the plan is individualized, there is no cookie-cutter treatment that fits all.

Early treatment changes live by helpings individuals feel better and reduce maladaptive behaviors. Maladaptive behaviors or coping strategies such as avoidance behaviors like drinking, emotional numbing, gambling, and social withdrawal. Emotional masking, negative judgments, overcompensation, and relying on the same approach over and over to similar situations are also forms of maladaptive coping. 

Living a healthy life still is a major factor in being well, happy and managing your mood.

Healthy Living

healthy lifestyle is a way of living that makes you feel happy, energized and reduces illness or dying early. Although some diseases are unavoidable, a majority of deaths can be prevented, especially illnesses from heart disease and different types of cancer.

BCI believes education on your particular diagnosis and being aware of what works for you is very important to maintaining a healthy life.  A wellness plan that includes a few of the following topics should encourage living a positive and healthy life.

If you are in a crisis, call 911 or contact your local crisis center. This web site does not take the place of professional help. Always
speak with your doctor or a licensed professional for treatment.